About our Worship

We believe that every week the most important thing we do is to worship God.  Everything we do during the week is shaped, informed and animated by our Sunday services.  Worship is our response to the great love and grace of God expressed to us through Jesus Christ.  All are welcome! 

Our traditional worship services include a written and responsive call to worship, hymns, The Lord's Prayer and music from one of our many choirs.  We have an amazing pipe organ that accompanies our services.  Our pastors preach a message that helps us apply the truth of scripture  in order that we might become more faithful followers of Jesus Christ.  

We have two services.  Our 8:30 services has communion weekly.  Our 11:00 service features communion the first Sunday of the month.  The United Methodist Church believes in an Open Table for communion and all who intend to live a Christian life are invited to take communion.  

Nursery care is available at both services for children 4 and under.  During our 8:30 service, children, 4 years through 5th grade, are invited to a Children's Sermon. At the 11:00 service, children, age 4 through 5th grade are dismissed from the sanctuary to participate in Children's Worship. 

Worship links

Below you will find resources to worship fully with us.

  • worship program

    Worship with us from home by following the online worship program. We upload the program each week on Friday.


  • Attendance

    Please register your attendance to let us know you watched live or at another time during the week!

  • sermon transcript

    Sermon transcript from Sunday's service is typically downloaded every Monday. If you would like a paper copy mailed to you, please email secretary@cumclansdale.org


  • sermon audio

    Sermon audio from Sunday's service is typically downloaded every Tuesday.

  • Give

    We invite you to participate in what God is doing through this congregation by giving your tithes and offerings. You can send your check to Christ UMC at 1020 S. Valley Forge Rd. Lansdale PA, 19446 or you can donate online here

  • Prayer Requests

    We want to pray for you. Please send your prayer requests to prayers@cumclansdale.org or email the pastors directly to share your prayer requests. 

Special Worship Opportunities

In addition to our regular weekly worship we have special worship opportunities and events throughout the year.  Some of these occur during our regular worship and sometimes these are separate events.  Watch for exact dates for these worship opportunities in our Seasonal Program Guide or the Christ Evangel newsletter.  


Special Worship Opportunities

Move Up Sunday

Blessing of Music Ministries

World Communion Sunday

Children's Sunday

All Saints and Anniversary Sunday

Sunday School Christmas Pageant

Christmas Collage Concerts

Blue Christmas Service

Christmas Eve Services

New Year's Eve Watch Night Service

Ash Wednesday Service

Holy Thursday Service

Good Friday Service

Easter Sunday and Sonrise Service

Confirmation Sunday